2015 // Words & Goals

03 January 2015

Like many other bloggers have been doing, I am once again choosing a word (actually two) for my year. These are the words that I will really focus on this year in my life. I will work on incorporating the ideas and concepts of these words into my life. 

You may be asking why I chose two words instead of one this year. It's simple. While I have been thinking about what my word would be for this year, which I did most of December, these two words kept coming to mind. They didn't come individually, but together. They were always linked. So I decided that I would use both of them this year.

My word for 2014 was FOCUS. You can check out that post here. This word ended really being the encompassing theme for my year. I really learned how to focus my time and energy both towards myself and others. I was more intentional about my time with those I love, whether that be friends or family. I really put more focus into my school work. I put energy into focusing on ministry and outreach when I was at church or an event. I really learned to be intentional about how I orient my time.

My words for 2015 are COURAGE & TRUST. They are fitting as I am heading into my second semester of my senior year of college. I am at a place in life where I am trying to figure out what is next, where I am going. I am looking at making some decisions, some choices that will affect the rest of my life or at least the near future. I want to focus on building these two traits. I want to be trust others more. I want to trust myself more. This leads into wanting to be more courageous with the decisions that I make and I why I make them.

I want the courage to go where I feel God leading me.
I want the courage to say what needs to be said when it needs to be said.
I want the courage to do things that others don't agree with.
I want the courage to make changes to better myself and my life.

I want to trust the will of God even more than I do now.
I want to trust my own feelings about people and situations.
I want to trust that I am where I am supposed to be even if it doesn't feel like it.
I want to trust that my future will be better than my past.

The lists go on and I hope that this year will be a time for me to really learn how to fully trust and how to be courageous in all that I do. Most importantly I look forward to how the focus on these words will impact my faith. This year is guaranteed to be full of changes and I can't wait to see how it will come to look like in a year.

As I end this post I want to share my top three goals for this year. They aren't highly detailed, but instead are broad and they will have little goals that I have marked for each one.

1. An increased and ever growing knowledge of His Word.

2. Live life with open arms and an open heart.

3. More time disconnected from technology.

As I mentioned before this is just a brief overview of some things that I am focusing on and working on as we head into this year. I look forward to all that will come due to focusing on these words and goals. So here's to a new year full of new people, new opportunities, new memories, and new challenges.

 Here's to 2015.

By the way...Have you heard this song by JJ Heller & her husband? If not, take a couple minutes and listen. It's called This Year and I love it!!


  1. lovely words Shelbi. I think they go hand in hand together and God will lead you to great things with courage and trust x

    1. Thank you! I can't wait to see how they will be intertwined in my life in the months to come!


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