So this weekend ended up being a bit more hectic than I had originally planned, but it was a good one. After a long week I am just amazed I managed to make it to today without too much exhaustion. I do have a fairly busy week once again, but I don't have a bunch of extra meetings in the evening. Yay!
My weekend started right after my last class got out at 3pm on Friday. I dropped my backpack off at my apartment, jumped in the bus and drove over to Bethel Baptist Church to help finish setup for the Collegiate Retreat we helped to host this weekend. We grabbed pipe and drape out of one of our trailers, light towers from our storage unit, and picked up instruments from our office. Setup was simple but it is a lot of things to transport.
The retreat was run by the Illinois Baptist State Association. It was the ENGAGE Collegiate Retreat. The whole concept of the retreat is to teach college students how to engage the students on their campuses with the message of the Gospel. This is done by helping them to really grasp the basics of what the Gospel is (just as a reminder) and then to share how they can start the conversations and really engage people in the message of the Gospel.
Chris & Ashley prepping for worship for out last session at retreat |
My church, Journey Church, provided the music and the Church Plant Project for the weekend. We had a bunch of different people help with worship because our college students had to bounce back and forth to campus for events they couldn't get out of. The project we did was going to door to door in the area near to the church with cards inviting people to come check out Journey and the new series we started yesterday morning, which just so happens to be entitled Engage.
While the attendance was not super high due to events that students could not get away from, it was still a great weekend and I hope that God really impacted the lives of all those who attended!
The rest of my weekend has been fairly uneventful. I've been working on homework and getting some work stuff done. Church yesterday morning was fun. The guy who ran the retreat, Chase Abner, and his assistant for the weekend, Caleb, came to Journey this morning for church. Chase actually spoke in service, which was awesome. It was a great kick-off to our new series!
If I haven't told you yet, I am co-leading the youth group with a friend from Olivet. So he and I gathered with three of our middle school and high school students yesterday evening. We shared some spaghetti from the wonderful Aurelio's Pizza here in Bourbonnais, IL. I wasn't prepped to lead the lesson because I didn't know I was leading, so I kinda just winged it. I think it went okay though.
The big thing that happened yesterday was something that I have known about for a while now, but I didn't know for sure when it was happening. Now that it has been mentioned I can share a little bit more about it. Our worship leader, Nate, and his wife, Jill, and their kids are going to be moving to Southern Illinois in just a few weeks to a month. They shared it at the end of service yesterday, so now everyone knows. It kind of hit me yesterday morning, but I don't think that it will really hit me until a couple weeks down the road when it actually happens. I'm still processing it. I may just write a post in a week or two about it. We'll see...
Anyways, now back to college life. I'm off to General Biology in a little while. Yay for putting it off until senior year... Just kidding. It's not that bad.
I hope y'all had a great weekend!
Have a great day!
God Bless!

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