Hey there!!
So today is my first Throwback Thursday post and I am really excited to share with you!
I think this is the perfect time to start this because of what I am looking back on and the upcoming summer plans.
Today I want to take a look back to last summer. I know it isn't too far back in the past, but it seems like so long ago and I find it fitting considering that it is all going to be starting back up a week from today.
Last summer was full of long work days, crazy schedules, good days and bad days, as well as a ton of wonderful memories!!
I posted about the summer a couple of times and you can see one of them here!
For those who don't know, I stayed on my college's campus last summer and worked full time in the custodial department.
That was often days a lot of work, a lot of stress, and a lot of frustration.
Little did I know when I started working for the summer that I would end up also being an unofficial part of the Summer Mission Team that Journey was hosting through NAMB.
I got up and dealt with the long days of work because I knew that I would get to work and hangout with all of the summer missionaries.
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From left: Andy, McKenzie, Patrick, Malik, Haley, Kenan, & Joel |
This was the official team that started out the summer, but only the six guys ended up staying on with Journey.
I was beyond blessed to get to work with them and spend time getting to know them!
These guys are seriously some of the most awesome people I know!!
The connections have been lasting and we have been able to make many memories beyond the summer and throughout this past school year.
It has been such an amazing blessing to have these guys be a part of my life and I thank God for the friendship and all of the different aspects that it consists of on a daily basis.
While only three of the guys will be coming back, Andy, Malik, and Kenan, to be a part of the Summer Mission Team for this summer, it is looking like it is going to be an awesome team!!
There will be seven people on team this summer, five of which already have worked, are working and are attending Journey and all know each other fairly well.
As previously mentioned, Andy, Malik, and Kenan will be back for the summer.
Kristin Marshall, a fellow ONU student and good friend, will be on team this summer as well, along with myself.
That makes up the five of us who have already worked with Journey or have been working with and attending Journey.
In addition to the five, we will also have two others from Arkansas joining us, Andrew & Anna Bell.
They are (or will be getting) married and are coming to join us just ten days after their wedding.
I do not know much more about them, but I look forward to getting to know them and work with them this summer.
(Little do they know there is already going to be a blog post about them before they get here (: )
Things are going to be set up a bit differently this summer but it is looking like it will be an amazing summer none the less!
From the sounds of things the team is going to be a really great fit for the church and as a team in general.
So many awesome things are already planned and in the works for the summer and it is going to be awesome to be able to work with this team to make everything happen!!
We are a mere 7 days away from everyone arriving (officially) and I am getting excited!
I pray that God will just work in the lives of everyone both before they arrive next week and while they are here for the summer.
I pray that He will work through us to accomplish His will through all that we do.
I pray that we will daily seek Him in all that we say, do, and think.
May we be so focused on Him that everything we do directly reflects Him.
May His hands be on us and guide us.
May we be a blessing to the church and the community through this opportunity that we have been given.
I pray that we will draw closer to Him both individually and as a team through everything that we experience this summer.
It's all in His hands!!!
On a side note, I found out some totally awesome news!!!
Olivet sent out a survey to the students asking about where they go to church, how often they attend, and so on.
Turns out that Journey Church is the 6th most attended church by ONU students!!!
How awesome is that?!?
While this does not give necessarily the most accurate count, it is still awesome knowing that we are one of the churches that ONU students go to most frequently!
I know a lot of the students who come to Journey and I see new faces quite often.
I just pray that we are truly showing them God's love in all that we do and that we are providing them the opportunity to grow closer to God through the worship and message on Sundays.
I pray that we are being the guiding light that they need to stay focused on God.
I pray that we are being His hands and feet to all those that are coming.
We serve such an awesome God!
He is doing amazing things even when we cannot see it.
Sometimes it is just little things like the results of a survey to be reminded that we are making a difference.
It may not be to a huge number of people, but we are reaching a lot of people.
We are making an impact and it is all because of Him.
By keeping our eyes on Him and continuing to do His work we will be able to see results reaped tenfold.
Sometimes it may be tough, but He never fails to show us that our perseverance is producing results.
He never lets us down or fails us.
We just need patience and a little more faith in His plan.
It always works out for the best for the those who love Him!!
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