Monday Musings

16 February 2015

Hey everyone! I'm back from my short hiatus. It was an intentional one due to the fact that I was traveling last week for a conference. I'm getting back into the swing of things, including blogging. It's amazing what one week off does to your schedule!

The Friday before I left for my conference I had a day off from school because of Winter Break and I got to spend it with one of my favorite little guys, Elijah. He's in the picture above. His big brother was sick, dad was working on the sermon for Sunday, mom was at work, and grandma was sick, so I got to spend the afternoon playing and cuddling with him! I loved it!

The rest of the weekend was spent packing for my trip and prepping lessons and such for small groups and for other things so that everyone would be prepared before I left. A totally wonderful friend volunteered to spend her Wednesday evening teaching the preschoolers instead of being in the adult small group. I was so grateful for her doing this because I hadn't found anyone as of Sunday afternoon outside of our group. She is a blessing!

On Monday morning I got on a charter bus with 50 other Olivet ministry and theology students and two professors to head to Kansas City for the M15 Conference. This conference is all about discussing where the Nazarene church has been in the past and where we need to go in the future. There were workshops on some of the hot topics in culture which have a major impact on our ministry.There were some wonderful points made by some wonderful speakers. I hope to share them with you soon. I will post some pictures and a brief overview of the conference tomorrow.

After four days in Kansas City I came home to a Friday of work and easy classes followed by a lazy weekend. It's been a good week and a half and I am looking forward to a good week. 

Happy (be-lated) Valentine's Day!

God Bless!


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