I'm running to You, oh Lord

15 March 2012

Chapel this morning was amazing!!!
I went in expecting the same ol' chapel service we always have twice a week...we get announcements, we worship for around 10minutes (sometimes a little longer) and then a speaker
gets up and speaks for the rest of the time.
The speakers are always good, although sometimes I think they are used to speaking to older groups of people, so their messages are not necessarily focused on college students. I have liked a handful of the speakers we have had in chapel so far this year, however, I have always wished that we could just have a chapel where we just worshiped through music and a few scripture verses.
That's it.
Music and Scripture.
It had yet to really happen, so I did not expect it to happen today. 
Boy was I surprised...in a good way...when I realized that that was exactly what chapel was going to be like today. My morning was pretty much made by this fact. I was so excited and it made for
a great to start to a lovely day, weather included.
It was so nice to be able to just sing, lift my hands, and worship God through the music. I have always been a big believer in worshiping Him through music because that is how I feel that I connect 
with Him the best. I feel like I can just get lost in the music with my eyes closed and my hand lifted high. No distractions, just me, the music, and God. It is such an incredible experience to just listen
to Him through the music. He speaks in so many ways and my favorite is through music. 
It was so good to just let go, breathe, and open up my heart and mind to Him this morning.
It has been a while since I have been able to do so.
I definitely needed that this morning as well.
I ended up spending around an hour and half this evening just listening to worship music and thinking about the words. It is amazing that we are completely forgiven for everything in our past, our present, and our future. God gives us His everlasting love and his never-ending grace and mercy. 
How beautiful it is to realize that we can be healed and washed clean because God
loves us so much that He sent His only Son to die for our numerous sins.
I cannot adequately express my gratitude to Him for the fact that 
I am completely free because of Jesus dying for me.
No words can fully express how thankful
I am for His sacrifice on the cross.
So very thankful.

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