It's A Busy Season

07 April 2015

If you haven't noticed I've been a little MIA as of late. Life kinda picked up speed and consumed more of my time which meant that my plans for this space over the last month or so have been put on the back burner. I have desired to have time to be active in this space and writing posts that have been on my heart. However, my desires have not won out over the things that I have to do for school and work.

For those who are not aware, I walk in May (so in a month...CRAZY!) with my first undergrad degree in Child Development. So I have been working to try and figure out all of the details and making sure my cap and gown were ordered, some senior pics were done for grad announcements, and so on. You don't realize just how much work and money goes into graduating college until you are in the process of getting everything taken care of.

Once I have walked I will have about 20hrs left for my second undergrad degree, a Bachelor's in Christian Education. I will also finish up the last few hours of my internship for Child Dev so I will get that diploma in August. I will finish up my second degree next year which means I will graduate next May with that degree. I am also doing a crazy thing this coming fall...

I am starting graduate classes!

I'm seriously crazy y'all! The ministry department managed to talk me into it. I will be working on a Master's in Family Ministry. I am beyond done with school but I know that if I don't do it now then I will likely not want anything to do with it if I take a "break". So I'm going for it now.

I have also been trying to figure out the finances so I can pay off this semester and get things together to be able to afford next year. I am looking at the possibility of living off campus next year if possible, but that all will depend on finances.

And this summer... I don't even have a definitive plan for this summer and I have a month left before I move out of my current student housing. EEK! It's all coming to an end quickly and I can't seem to keep up.

Luckily I got to spend this past Easter weekend with my grandparents, aunt & uncle, and cousins in Ferguson. Nothing like cuddling up with triplets to help you forget about life for a couple of days.

All in all, life is pretty crazy right now so bear with me as I get through this busy spell in my life. I will be back and I will be posting when I get the chance to do so.

God Bless!


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